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Shree Gokul Chandrama Ji, at KaamVan, Vraj


Presently Virajmaan at Kamvan (Rajasthan)

Paat Utsav is on Shravan Vad 4

His Nikunj sthan is at Mansi Ganga.

Shree GokulChandramaji is known as Lalit Tribhangi Lala.

Shree GokulChandramaji is the chandrama of Gokul who is Meghshyam, (dark and beautiful), as He stands in a Tribhangi posture, bent in three places, His legs crossed at the ankles.

His Mukharvind is with that expression when He plays His bansuri. His bansuri is held in both the hands, left leg rests on earth (Bhutal) and the right foot is above the earth. This swaroop is well known as humble and soft hearted. He looks at His bhakts with karuna drishti. (in compassion)

This Swarup of Shree Krushn is related to the MahaRaas Leela, where He danced Raas Lila with the Gopis, played His bansuri, and gave all the bhakts of Vrindavan a gift of His own Ras.

In Maharaas all the Gopis desires and expectation were gracefully fulfilled by Shree GokulChandramaji.

So the Swarup leela is Raas Leela Swarup.

It was a kshatriya woman who found Shree Gokulchandramaji and Shree Navneet Priyaji in the Yamunaji, while on her way to MahaVan.

She took These divy Swarups to Shri VallabhAchary,who established Shree GokulChandramaji in the home of his shishy, Shri Narayanadas Brahamachari.

After Shri Narayanadas passed away, Shree GokulChandramaji returned to Shri VallabhAcharya’s family, and Shri Gusainji later entrusted Him to his fifth son, Shri Raghunathji.

Seva was first done by Shri Narayandas Brahmachari.

Mool Aacharya’s Sevya Swarup was Shri Raghunathji.

He is presently the Sevya Swarup of Pancham Peethadheeshwar 108 Shri Vallabhlalji Maharajashri.

Shri Gusainji speaks of this divine form of Shree Krushn, “Shri GokulChandramaji entices even Kaamdev, the enchanter of all other hearts. When Shree Krushn disappeared from the Gopis, they cried for their Prabhu.

This Swarup of Shree GokulChandramaji is described in Dasma (tenth) Skandh, 32nd Adhiyay of Shrimad Bhagwad granth.

It was Shree Gokul Chandramaji Himself who Appeared and gave hukum to Shri VallabhAcharyaji in Gokul to give Brahm sambandh to Daivi jeev. The Madhurashtakam that Shri Mahaprabhuji composed is on this Form of Shree GokulChandramaji.

Jai Shree RadhaKrushn

श्री कृष्ण निधि स्वरूप श्री गोकुल चंद्रमा जी 🙏🙏

श्री वल्लभ आचार्य और श्री गुसाँईजी ने श्री कृष्ण के १२ दिव्य स्वरूप को मान्यता दी है, जो निधि स्वरूप कहलाते हैं।

उन में से बांसुरी बजाते हुए स्वरूप श्री गोकुल चंद्रमा जी हैं जो - वर्तमान में कामवन, राजस्थान में विराजते हैं।

श्री गोकुल चंद्रमाजी, ललित त्रिभंगी लाला के नाम से भी जाने जाते हैं।

श्री कृष्ण का यह मन मोहक स्वरूप उनकी महारास लीला से है। जिसमें वे बांसुरी बजाते हुए रास लीला का रस वृंदावन धाम में बहाते हैं।

श्री गोकुल चंद्रमाजी के ही स्वरूप में श्री कृष्ण ने गोकुल में श्री वल्लभ आचार्य के समस्त प्रगट हो उन्हें दैवी जीव को ब्रह्म सम्बंध देने का हुकुम दिया था।

श्री वल्लभ आचार्य ने ‘मधुराअष्टकम’, की रचना भी श्री कृष्ण के इसी मन मोहक स्वरूप के दर्शन में करी थी।

श्री गोकुल चंद्रमाजी पंचम पीठाधीश्वर १०८ श्री वल्लभ लालजी महाराजश्री के सेविया स्वरूप हैं।

पाट उत्सव श्रावण वद ४ को मनाया जाता है। इन स्वरूप का निकुंज स्थान मानसी गंगा पर है।

जय श्री राधेकृष्ण 🙏🙏

जय श्रीनाथजी प्रभु 🙏🙏

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