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Ghasiyar - Details of ShreeNathJi Haveli

In Vikram Samvat 1672 in Falgun Vad Satam, (AD-1728) Shri Damodar Maharajji (ShriDauji) established ShreeNathji’s Paat in the mandir Haveli at Nathdwara.

It was all perfectly done with Vastu pratishta and pujan, according to Vedic rites. Slowly all the various rituals and festivals were started again here similar to the Govardhan hill. Since then Shreeji happily began living here at Mewar.

A Gaushala was also built close by for all of Shreeji’s cows.

Shri Dauji Maharaj with a lot of loving care took care of Shreeji, and celebrated all utsav and the Maha Utsav; all Shringar was also done by him.

Soon after ShreeNathji had settled in His Nathdwara Haveli, there was a problem created by the Scindia army. They wanted 3 lakh mudras or else threatened to loot the Haveli. As soon as the Maharana of Udaipur heard this he immediately made arrangements to move Shreeji to Udaipur for safety.

Shreeji stayed in the Udaipur Haveli for nearly 10 months till His new Haveli was built at a place called Ghasiyar.

This scenic place is situated in the Gokunda Mountains.

As Shreeji should not feel upset with the whole arrangement an exact replica of His Haveli in Nathdwara was erected. His Paat Utsav was celebrated here. Seva similar to the Haveli at Nathdwara was also established soon.

There is a very interesting story behind the reason for moving out from Ghasiyar and back to Nathdwara.

Shri Gusainji, son of Mahaprabhuji had 7 sons. One of them, Shri Girdhariji came here with ShreeNathji for continuation of seva. He was in charge of looking after the needs of Shreeji.

Once the Ghasiyar Haveli was built, all the followers and sevaks who had accompanied Him from Giriraj, (the original Appearance place of Shreeji) settled with Shreeji here at Ghasiyar for His seva. Soon Shri Girdhariji began to face problems.

He found that all children born here did not survive. It was discovered that the environment and water here was bad, and would not let any further generations of Mahaprabhuji survive.

In great distress Shri Girdhariji went and bowed before Shreeji, telling Him of this misfortune;

“There will be no one left to do Your seva, we have to move back from here”.

As Shri Girdhariji bowed down, Shreeji spread His feet side ways, outwardly, putting His right hand on his head as blessings and approval. (These are the darshans maintained here in the form of a pichwai showing Shreeji’s lotus feet turned sideways).

With Shreeji’s approval and blessings, they all moved back.

After Shreeji shifted back from here, His Haveli has been left intact, with the seva continuing in a similar manner. No village has been built around here. The management is with the Nathdwara board. The place is nearly always empty. Three people manage it on a regular basis: the main mukhiyaji-Abgirdhar, munim and a watchman.

As we spoke to the mukhiyaji he told us that about 15-20 bhakts came in for darshans daily; as people are not aware that such a place exists.

Though there is a Gaushala very few cows stay on a regular basis. During Annakut about 500 cows come here from Nathdwara which then return. Also when there is shortage of green grass around the Nathdwara Gaushala, some cows are temporarily shifted here.

Ghasiyar is the 12th Charan Chowki of Prabhu ShreeNathji.

Our first visit to Ghasiyar on the 5th June 2007

When doing some research on ShreeNathji details for His website, (; I came across this place called Ghasiyar. This is the Haveli that Shreeji had stayed for nearly ten years.

It looked very interesting and to know further details and get some photos for the website a visit was essential. I explained to Sudhir bhai about this divine place, and that this had been Shreeji’s home for ten long years. Sudhir bhai agreed to visit, so today we would do our Guwal and Rajbhog darshans here at Ghasiyar.

I am super excited to visit this place, as it sounds so pure and sacred. So today early morning when waiting with Gurushree for Mangla darshans to open, at around 4am, I tried talking to Shreeji, informing Him about our visit to His old Haveli at Ghasiyar later that day.

मुझे घसियार दर्शन करने की बहुत ही कतूहलता हो रही थी; उसके बारे में पढ़ने के बाद लगता था की बहुत ही पवित्र और शुद्ध जगह है. इसलिए आज प्रातकाल 4 बजे, जब गुरुश्री के साथ मंगला दर्शन के लिए हवेली के बाहर खड़ी थी, मैंने श्रीजी से वार्तालाप करने की कोशिश करी; उन्हें बताने के लिए की हम आज उनकी पुरानी हवेली पर जा रहे हैं, जो घसियार में है।

To my amazement, ShreeNathji replied immediately, “I remember it very well. Ghasiyar Haveli is my old home. I visit there sometimes. I will also come with you’ll”.

श्रीनाथजी तुरंत मुझे जवाब देते हैं, “मुझे अच्छी तरह याद है, घसियार हवेली मेरा पुराना घर है. मैं वहां कभी कभी जाता हूँ. आज मैं भी तुम्हारे साथ चलूँगा”।

It felt to me as if I was a part of Him and going to visit His old Home was as nostalgic for me, and felt as if I belonged here.

मुझे इस समय यह महसूस होने लगा की मैं श्रीनाथजी का ही कुछ हिस्सा हूँ, और उनके पुराने घर पर जाना मेरे लिए उनके जितना ही रोमांचक हो रहा था; ऐसे प्रतीत हो रहा था की मैं भी यहीं की हूँ।

So around 9-9.30 am, after completing the Shringar darshans at Nathdwara Haveli we left for Ghasiyar.

Once there at Ghasiyar later in the day, Shreeji was very happy. I could again feel His Vibrational Presence, talking to me from inside; telling me how happy He is to be here and how He moves around the entire area enjoying Himself tremendously. He told me He would also be Present inside the Nij Mandir today when both the darshans opened.

९-९।३० बजे, श्रिंगार दर्शन करने के बाद हम घासियार हवेली के लिए निकल गए।

वहाँ पहुँच कर श्रीजी बहुत ही ख़ुश थे। उनकी दिव्य मजूदगी का एहसास पूर्ण था। श्रीनाथजी ने हमें बताया की आज दर्शंस खुलेंगे तब वे ख़ुद अंदर निज मंदिर में बिराजेंगे।

Again I felt Shreeji’s Presence around us complaining like a small child, “It is very hot here, but I am very happy that you both remember this place, anyone hardly visits this place.

श्रीजी की मौजूदगी का फिर एहसास होता है। उनकी मोहक आवाज़ में वोह शिकायत करते हैं, "यहाँ तो बहुत गर्मी है, लेकिन कोई बात नहीं। मैं खुश हूँ की तुम लोग ने याद करा। यहाँ और कोई आता ही नहीं है”।

We received Prasad of ‘Khopra pak’ today; which was extremely sweet and tasty. I tried telling Shreeji in my mind how extra sweet and tasty the Prasad was. “Of course it will be”, Shreeji again said, “I like eating extra sweet offerings”.

हमें प्रसाद में आज खोपरा पाक मिला जो की बहुत ही जियादा मीठा था। मन में मैंने श्रीजी को यह बताने की कोशिश करी, की यह खोपरा पाक कितना मीठा और स्वादिष्ट है। "अरे वोह तो होगा ही ना, मुझे अधिक मीठा प्रसाद पसंद है", श्रीजी जवाब देते हैं।

Later I mentioned to Sudhir bhai about this anubhuti. At that moment he silenced me, saying “Yes, I know; you are very lucky. Hardly anyone would be able to experience all the Divine closeness with Shreeji”.

Gurushree Sudhir bhai and I came here at Ghasiyar to study the details. We took pictures from outside, as similar to the Nathdwara Haveli no photography is allowed in the mandir premises. We stayed on for nearly 3-4 hours, enjoying the serenity and sacredness of the whole area. We managed to do darshans of Gwal and Rajbhog.

My Dear ShreeNathji Baba ki Jai Ho!

Our next two visits to Ghasiyar were on the 10th April 2014;18th June 2015; and of course Shreeji always accompanied us here.

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