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Why this website came about:

This is a website written for ShreeNathji, about ShreeNathji, and is blessed by ShreeNathji Himself. It was made with ShreeNathji’s direct hukum (command), as He wished details to be made available for all bhakts. This required to be done in a little untraditional manner, so that universally people are able to understand and follow this Divine Living Shakti.

It was a direct connection through kripa of my Divine Gurushree Sudhir bhai, that I was initially introduced to this extremely pure pavitra shakti, known as Thakurjee ShreeNathji.

To educate myself about this divine Shakti and to spread knowledge about the extraordinary, incredible Shakti that ShreeNathji is; this website came to be made.

(Growing up in a family that worshipped Shivji Parvati, I had absolutely no prior knowledge about who ShreeNathji really is, except for the one Chavi that we had at home)!

This website aims to impart an understanding the bhao of ShreeNathji and ‘see’ the reality of this divine child Form who ‘Lives’ amongst us.

I ask forgiveness of the Divine Shaktis, of my Gurushree, the readers; for any mistakes, they are not intentional.

I do pray and hope this information helps connect many more souls to the divine soul.

Components of the Website:

The reader will find ShreeNathji Vartas (divine personal interactions) as a very interesting aspect of this website.

ShreeNathji gave me permission for making public some of His Direct play leelas with us, which we call ‘Vartas'. He wished us to use these as proof of His being ‘Awake’ in the outer dimensions once again after a long, long gap. These personal interactions have been made public only with the direct hukum of Shree Thakurjee ShreeNathji Himself, and the blessings of my Divine Gurushree, Shri Sudhir bhai.

These few have been chosen from several others, and hopefully Shreeji will continue to command me to increase their number.

Many have cautioned me that any divine anubhuti with ShreeNathji should be kept a secret and not shared with anyone.

Firstly, It is only and only with direct command of ShreeNathji our personal anubhuties are being made public.

Secondly, the three most important and pavitra granths; 84 Vaishnavas and 252 Vaishnav ki varta, ShreeNathji Pragatya varta, are only based on the direct interactions of ShreeNathji with His bhakts and with the Divine gurus of that time period, Shri Vallabh Acharya and Shri Vitthalnathji Gusainji.

This was all documented by Shri Gokulnathji, who was granted direct vision of the original happenings and who was Shri Gusainji’s fourth son, and Shri Vallabhacharyaji’s grandson. It was done I believe to attract bhakts to ShreeNathji and give them proof that ShreeNathji is so LIVE in our world.

These three Granths, 84 Vaishnavas and 252 Vaishnav ki Varta, Shreenathji Pragatya varta have become a very important part of any Satsang in Shree Thakurjee’s bhakti.

What we are keeping as record today is for Thakurjee, ShreeNathji only. It is again to help future generations to get a better understanding of what ShreeNathji divine play and pure bhakti is.

It is a proof that after the last direct interaction and conversation documented to be in the year 1685 AD, Shreeji’s direct interaction with any bhakt begins once again in this time period; since about 15-20 years ago.

It is so important in the present impure times to keep as a proof that Divine Shaktis and Their Presence is not a myth, and the divine swarup of ShreeNathji is real and Alive. Prabhu is Present and Alive on our Earth today also!

This updated website has most of the information in English and Hindi language.

I was fortunate to experience ShreeNathji’s Presence and only then did my curiosity arise.

For me, unlike most, the process of learning was reversed.

It was after few highly pure divine experiences (details in ‘About Authour’ chapter), I realised how little I knew about ShreeNathji. And thus began a search for books and matter over the internet. But all information on the net was of Shreeji seva in the form of bhajans, vastr, manoraths, festivals. There was hardly any information of and about ShreeNathji Himself in terms of history and spiritual details which was precisely what I was interested to get. What ever little information that was available, was in the Gujrati language.

There are no books available in the open market, so I bought all the books in hindi or english from the mandir shop at Nathdwara.

Later though I got lucky to find contact of Shri Shyamdasji at Gokul, who had been translating books on ShreeNathji from Vraj bhasha to English. I managed to buy most of the books that were in print.

As you all know that when we start research some matter, it can take us very deep in the subject. It soon became like an obsession with me. All day, night there was nothing else I could think of except ShreeNathji and my own personal anubhuties with Him.

And it all was very realistic as, all the vartas etc that I read and re read, I was actually having a direct anubhuti of them in my daily life.

How Shreeji spoke, how He plays, how He talks, How He demands, I was a direct witness and participant of these leelas.

It was ShreeNathji’s kripa that soon I discovered a distant family related to us who had Shreeji seva in their family since the past 150 years. It is known as ‘Sakri seva’ where the family members look after ShreeNathji as a little child in their family.

Excited at the prospect of doing darshans I paid them a visit. I explained my requirement, what I was looking for, and if they could help me. My great fortune that this family had a cupboard full of ShreeNathji literature! They opened it for me and gave permission to take whatever books I need for this seva. I thus found a lot of material that I had been searching for.

The ShreeNathji ‘Pragatya Varta’ which was very ancient and in tatters was in Vraj bhasha. This took me several months to read, understand and translate in English and later in Hindi. This is what I have used for this website. It gave me a lot of insight in the details and history of ShreeNathji. It detailed His journey to Nathdwara too.

Details on Nathdwara I collected and compiled from the small hand books and a very old hindi edition about Nathdwara

The list of the books which I used to compile matter about ShreeNathji is given at the end of this chapter.

The History of this Website:

The initial launch was on the 18th July 2008, and at that time was the first to detail ShreeNathji history in simple English language (Website updated again in 2021).

Eight sama darshans at Nathdwara Haveli is a unique detail which again is our initiation. We actually spent days at the mandir doing darshan after darshan to get the steps of worship right. Details of each darshan with the bhao behind it is unique and introduced by this website first.

We have also introduced the animated darshans as performed at Nathdwara mandir for a phone App, which can be viewed as a video on U tube too. (Ritesh Kochhar did all the developing of this animation as a seva for ShreeNathji).

All the various paintings used for this purpose is from my personal collection and copyrighted. The bansuri music has been developed specially for this website and is also copyrighted.

The four Kamal (Lotus) and Bansuri copyrighted logo used by us has been extracted from the 56 Bhog Chavi which I have at home and used extensively by us on all our applications. In fact we used the same image to get a modern rendering of the bright pink and golden yellow Kamal used in all the website pages.

Kamal represents purity bhao, and nearly all ShreeNathji and Shree RadhaKrishn images have Kamal in them; and of course, Shree Krishn can never be without His Bansuri!

The concept of ShreeNathji as the merged swarup of Shree RadhaKrishn, was our concept and the Merged swarup painting that we have used on this website is first of its kind.

Visuals have a great impact and so I hired an artist to put my imagination in a Chavi.

ShreeNathji place of Appearance is Giriraj Govardhan at Vraj, though He lives at Nathdwara since the last 345 years. That is the reason I have compiled some facts about Giriraj Govardhan and the related sacred places. Reader will find interesting details of all aspects of Giriraj Govardhan, the original playground of ShreeNathji. I have used the sacred Granth, Shri Garg Samhita for many details.

With the kripa of Thakurjee and my Gurushree, we all hope to further this seva in whatever way possible in the future. New contents will continue to be added and website updated.

The visitor will also find numerous photographs and videos from Giriraj Govardhan, Vraj Mandal, Nathdwara.


With warm regards and blessings to all

Jai ShreeNathji

Jai Shree RadhaKrishn


"Past karmas lead us to a destiny which has to be fulfilled;

‘With Divine Shreeji – The brilliance of His light drowns me in total devotion and there is nowhere else I want to go; the ‘here and now’ is all I need to fulfil the soul journey’.

Thakurjee ShreeNathji, in mind, body, soul I am surrendered to You and hope to complete every seva that is a requirement in completion of Your Earth leela. Your friendship and Divy leela play have taken me to another level of living".

My humble pranam to my Gurushree; who purified and merged my Atma with Parmatma ShreeNathji. Cannot thank you as it would never be enough!

Shubh Ashish to all

Priyanka Shahra, you have helped me in all aspects of design and developing.

My family - always! Love you all.

Various books and literature used for reference and learning:

Shri Nathdwara Ka Sanskritic Itihas – Prabhudas Vairagi (in Hindi)

ShreeNathji – Shri Ramanath Shashtri (in Braj Bhasha)

Shrinathji Ki Pragatya Varta (Braj Bhasha) – Ramanath Shashtri

Shrinathji Ki Bhavna (Hindi)(Doha for Nathdwara) – Pandit Shrimadhav Sharma; Mahadev Shaligram Book Seller

Chaurashi Vaishnavan Ki Varta, Teen Janam Ki Bhavna Sahit (Braj Bhasha) – Shri Dwarkadas Parikh

Shri Nathdwara Ka Sanskratik Itihas (1995-Hindi) – Prabhudas Bairaagi

Krishna as Shrinathji – Amit Ambalal

In adoration Of Krishna – Kalyan Krishna and Kay Talwar

The amazing story of Shrinathji (English) – Shri Shyamdas, edited by Tulsi and Asim Krishna Das

Two Fifty Two Vaishnav Vartas (English) – Translated by Shyamdas

Shreeji Darshan (Hindi) – Mandir Mandal Nathdwara (2004)

Guide book to Shri Nathdwara (English) – by a Krishna Bhakt

Shri Nathdwaraji (Hindi) – Ashutosh Shukla

Shri Nathdwara (Hindi) – Narayanlal Shrama

Shri Vallabhacharya,Life, Teachings, And Movement (English-1943,1969) – Bhai Manilal C. Parekh

Krishna as Shrinathji; Rajasthani Paintings From Nathdwara – Amit Ambala

In Adoration of Krishna; Pichwais of Shrinathji – Kalyan Krishna; Kay Talwar

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