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ShreeNath Ji, at Nathdwara


Presently Virajmaan at Nathdwara (Rajasthan)

Paat Utsav is celebrated on Phalgun Krishn 7

Mukhya Dwar is at Anyor, Shri Govardhan

ShreeNathji’s stands upright with His left arm raised.

ShreeNathji’s right arm is lowered and palm is in a fist showing only the thumb.

ShreeNathji is Purn Purushottam Bhagwan Shree Krishn Himself.

ShreeNathji is the complete Swarup (Form) of Shree RadhaKrishn. All Swarups of Shree Radha, Shree Krishn, and both Their ‘Lalan swarup's” (baby forms) are within HimSelf.

ShreeNathji is ‘Their’ LIVING DIVINE SHAKTI who inhabits our world even today.

The original Form of Shree RadhaKrishn as ShreeNathji Appeared initially as His Alokik Bhuja (Divine Left Arm), in 1409 AD,(SV 1466). Shravan Vad Tritiya, on a Sunday in the Shravan Nakshatra.

The left bhuja (arm) of ShreeNathji, when it Appeared from Giriraj Govardhan had all the auspicious markings of Shree RadhaKrishn, including the auspicious Shree and Swastik. The original Shaktis (Powers) of Shree RadhaKrishn became visible to bless us once again after a gap of nearly 5236 years, from Giriraj Govardhan, in Their new merged Form; as Divine ShreeNathji.

A devotee desirous of closeness with Shree RadhaKrishn can do seva for ShreeNathji and get miraculous results.

Shree GovardhanNathji along with His several bhakts stays eternally in the kandra on Girirajji. Shri Acharyaji Mahaprabhu is always there eternally in seva for ShreeNathji.

Shri Acharyaji Mahaprabhu took birth on earth for the upliftment of divine souls with direct divine order from Bhagvan Shree Krishn.

In the same period Shree GovardhanNathji also Appeared from Girirajji at Vraj Mandal, with all samagri for His leela to be complete.ShreeNathji is always standing on the Nikunj Dwar for His bhakts.

Shri Gusainji explained ShreeNathji’s divine nature to his disciple, a renounced Brahmin, thus: “ShreeNathji is the Supreme. He stands by the door of a kandra on the Giriraj Govardhan and calls all of His Leela jeev to Him with His raised left hand.” ShreeNathji’s closed right hand rests on His hip and contains His hidden amrat ras.

ShreeNathji Seva was first done by Shri Ramdas ji.

Mool Aacharya’s Seva Swarup was Acharya charan Shri Mahaprabhuji.

Presently Seva Swarup of Pradhan Peethadheeshwar Tilkayat 108 Shri Indradamanji


It was ShreeNathji’s hukum that He stays with Shri Girdharji’s second son, Shri Damodarji. Shri Damodarji received the divy Swarup of ShreeNathji and Shree Navneet Priyaji.

(As this website is made for ShreeNathji readers can find all details about Him in the various chapters)

Jai Shree RadhaKrishn

Jai ShreeNathji Prabhu

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